Non-Alc Series

NA Cabana

NA Cabana strains make non-alcoholic beer with a complex juicy profile, brimming especially with tropical and stone fruit notes. These strains create the intensity you’ve come to expect from heavily dry hopped hazy IPAs, but without the baggage: low hop bitterness and no burn.

Licensing Only

NA Cabana Bayfair

NA Cabana Bayfair provides a solid foundation for both clear and hazy IPAs. The go-to for crafting authentically hop-tropical non-alcoholic IPAs.

Engineered trait
Prevents maltose/maltotriose utilization + produces tropical character
Parent strain
Temperature range
64-72° F
Pitch rate
1,500,000 Cells/mL/Degree Plato

Our yeast products – excluding those that are labeled Licensing Only — are available as liquid slurries in pitchable quantities as small as 1 BBL and no upper limit.

Free shipping nationwide on orders of 5 BBL or more. 

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