Our work at Berkeley Yeast is founded on the idea that science can be used to do more with less. We put this idea into practice everyday as we aim to transform the fermented beverages industry with novel technologies—technologies that offer more control over flavor characteristics, more ease of scalability, and more consistency of quality in every bottle. All this with less reliance on natural resources.
Science that’s good for people as well as the planet
The modern world is shaped by scientific discoveries and their applications by industry. At its best, the relationship between science and industry has resulted in sweeping improvements for humankind. Think of Louis Pasteur, whose research in the mid 19th century identified bacteria as the cause of food spoilage, instigating the development of a safeguarding method that continues even today to be an essential part of our food industry and that bears his name: pasteurization. In that same spirit, we strive to deliver technologies that are good for people and for the planet.
In our collective effort to reduce our adverse impact on the planet and ourselves, once again science offers new possibilities that not too long ago would have sounded like magic. At Berkeley Yeast we bioengineer yeast strains that reduce or eliminate the use of resource-intensive crops by producing the exact same flavor compounds found in fruits and other edible plants. Or they can eliminate energy-intensive processing steps required to remove undesirable compounds like ethanol in NA beer. These efforts point to our larger ambitions of protecting our planet and improving the lives of people by applying what we know as scientists to industries that matter.
But why have we started with beer? Because the pleasures in life are worth protecting too.
Science by scientists who care
We at Berkeley Yeast are personally invested in how our work impacts the world. Our team comprises not just scientists, but passionate beer enthusiasts who care about the nuances of the brewing process, outdoor adventurers who care about rising temperatures and wildfires, and parents who care about protecting the future of our food system. Each of us believes that science can help us find solutions to some of the most important and urgent challenges our world faces today. And together we share a commitment to put science to good use.